To be a good business person, one must constantly be evaluating the marketplace, customers, finances, technology, etc or risk failure. While churches may routinely evaluate their church in some areas, it’s almost unheard of for the Church to evaluate the spiritual state of her children, and as a result we are looking at some grim facts. If after eighteen years of going through our children’s and youth programs our kids don’t know basic Bible doctrine, are not saved, filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues, cannot hear God’s voice, be led by his Spirit, heal the sick, be strong in prayer and worship, or operate in the gifts of the Spirit, then what in the world have we been doing with our time?
This is a sobering look at where we are as the Christian church in discipling the little saints as committed followers of Christ.
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Becky Fischer has spent over 30 years in kid’s ministry training equipping children’s pastors, adult volunteers, and parents how to teach children to walk in the supernatural power of God. She is the founder of Kids in Ministry International (KIMI).