In the time of Jesus’ ministry, the Jews were hoping for the coming of a Messiah, though the precise meaning of that expectation varied from person to person. Some expected a prophet like Moses, some expected a king like David, some expected a military leader to free Israel from the domination of Rome. In the gospel of John, Jesus overturns all those expectations.
In Sychar, Jesus reveals himself as a savior of Samaritans, not just Jews. He portrays himself as the water of life and as a prophet who can reveal the meaning of all things. In the first big evangelical rally, many of the residents of Sychar became believers in Jesus.
The second miracle of Jesus was healing the official’s son from a long distance. This miracle revealed Jesus as a messiah who heals physically, and is not limited by space and time.
At the Pool of Bethesda, Jesus revealed himself as one who is the lord of the Sabbath, and the one who gives eternal life. Through discussions about the Sabbath, Jesus reveals himself as the Son and as the one that the Scriptures testify about.
With the feeding of the five thousand, Jesus is publicly shown to be kingly… someone who would fulfill the dreams of many people. With that, Jesus begins revealing himself to have characteristics that were entirely unpredictable.
Throughout the book of John, Jesus says many things about himself. Seven of his statements are known as the “I AM statements.” The form of these statements essentially equates Jesus with God, because God called himself, “I AM.” Jesus says he is the:
- Bread of life (John 6:25-59)
- Light of the world (John 8:12-30)
- True gate (John 10:1-6)
- Shepherd (John 10:7-21)
- Resurrection and life (John 11:1-43)
- Way, truth and life (John 14:5-14)
- True vine (John 15:1-17)
Modern Christians read these statements from a positive, reassuring viewpoint. Keep in mind that the Jewish leaders would have heard them as vicious blasphemy, each deserving death.