On the Edge of Hope

In this episode of Kingdom Community with Glenn Bleakney, we hear from Dr. Mark Chironna, Certified life coach, public speaker, author, and pastor.

Dr. Mark bridges the intellectual and spiritual realms to dismantle emotional barriers, empower lives, and release the creativity and personal power of the individual. His authentic and compassionate approach has transformed lives through one-on-one mentoring, speaking engagements, print, and electronic media.


When our once-solid worlds suddenly shift and heave, we find ourselves desperately trying to hold it all together. We suffer silently, ashamed of our struggles with things like anxiety, depression, and sleeplessness–after all, everyone else seems to be fine. Yet the truth is that everyone tastes from the cup of suffering. With unassuming honesty and candor, Dr. Mark Chironna openly shares what he learned in his own three-year battle with darkness. Integrating the best of theology with Christ-centered psychology, he offers scriptural and holistic truths that will help lead you out of the murky depths. Though it feels as if this dark night will never end, you can walk through your uncertainty, fears, and tears to find the edge of hope again.

“The scariest place can also be your threshold. Step through it knowing God is there with you, and your healing can happen right in the middle of your chaos.”–Mark Chironna

Connect with Dr. Mark Chironna at his website https://markchironna.com Purchase On The Edge of Hope on Amazon.com


Kingdom Community with Glenn Bleakney is a variety show consisting of teaching, discourses, and interviews on all things Kingdom. This is a season of reformation and revival. The Church must build on the foundations of the apostles and prophets preaching and teaching the Gospel of the Kingdom in the demonstration of the Spirit’s power to all nations. Visit our websites, AwakeNations.org, KingdomCommunity.tv, and KingdomCommunity.global

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