Pray for Haiti

Sharing the Caribbean island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic, Haiti is home to a mostly African Caribbean population. A small minority of Mulatto (people of mixed African and European descent) make up the wealthy elite who control 90% of Haiti’s resources. The common languages are French, Haitian Creole, and English. After the slave revolt of 1804 against the French, Haiti formed a republic which has since been riddled with bloody feuds and dictatorships. Law enforcement today is rife with corruption, and Haiti has received peacekeeping assistance from the United States and the United Nations.

Haiti is the most impoverished nation in the Western Hemisphere. It’s economy was further damaged in the devastating earthquake of 2010, which tragically killed roughly 200,000. Proper aid distribution is often prevented by violence and political instability. In addition to natural disasters, Haiti’s economy suffers from overpopulation, two-thirds of which are unemployed and underemployed. Slightly over half the population is illiterate, and sex and labor trafficking are rampant. Children in situations of domestic labor often experience physical and sexual abuse. Runaways end up on the street as prostitutes, beggars, or criminals. Strong efforts to eliminate trafficking have been in progress since 2014.

Haiti enjoys freedom of religion. Three quarters of the population are professing Christians, affiliating mostly with Roman Catholicism. Though many still incorporate practices of voodoo, a form of West African witchcraft, increasing numbers of Haitian Christians are boldly speaking out against it. With continued Christian missions and evangelism, the power of the Gospel is being made known. Following the 2010 earthquake, over one million citizens attended the President-sponsored call to prayer, repentance, and fasting. While illiteracy has hindered the influence of the Church, Christians have bridged the gap with radio, children’s education, and ministry training. Amid many difficult realities, God is at work across Haiti, replacing despair and brokenness with His hope and healing.


• Pray for those who despair to find hope in Jesus Christ.

• Pray for deliverance for those in bondage to voodoo.

• Pray for the development of long-term plans saturated with wisdom and justice.

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