Prophetic Roundtable

Join Glenn Bleakney and an international panel consisting of Steph Goleby, Kevin Forlong, Hope McDowell -Gibson, Naomi Byers, Derek Batte and Emmanuel Brown as they answer the following questions on the topic of the prophetic. 1. Can anyone move in the prophetic gifts? 2. What are the different expressions of the prophetic? 3. What are the distinguishing hallmarks of a Five Fold Prophet (as opposed to a person with a mature gift of prophecy)? 4. Is there a difference between a Seer and a Prophet? 5. What are the signs of a prophet as outlined in scripture? 6. How do you discern who/what a word from God is intended for? (A church/the Church, leaders, nations, geographical regions). 7. How do I release a prophetic word in a safe way? What are some protocols? 8. How can young and emerging prophets avoid pitfalls? 9. How do I know if a prophetic word aimed at me is really from God?

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